Currently, the Swedish Board of Agriculture classifies countries into three main categories that have different import requirements. This classification is based on the efficiency of the rabies control system in each country.
Below is a summary of the import regulations to Sweden. We assume that your pet is travelling as cargo. In general, less requirements are applicable when the pet is accompanied with the owner or a representative.
Please note that the rules on this page are just a walk-through and can by no means count as an official source of information. The Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket) is the only authority that provides the official regulations.
For more details, please check the Board of Agriculture Website.

Dogs and Cats coming from the EU member states and other countries with EU conditions
- The pet must be marked with a ISO-standard microchip.
- The pet must have a European Pet Passport in order to be able to travel within the EU. A passport can be provided by a EU veterinarian and contains a history of the past and the current treatments as well as the id-number (microchip) of the pet.
- The pet must be vaccinated against rabies with an approved vaccine after pet has been microchipped. Pet must be at least 12 weeks of age at time of rabies vaccination. At least 21 days need to pass before pet can travel.
- Passport or veterinary certificate is always needed. If pet is being sold or owner traveling outside of 5 days of pet a commercial veterinary certificate/TRACES must be done by an official veterinarian and stamped on all sides with an export stamp.
EU countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark (including Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Estonia, Finland (including Åland), France (including French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Corsica, Martinique and Reunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal (incl. Azores and Madeira), Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including mainland, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands and Ceuta and Melilla) and Sweden,
European countries with EU conditions
Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, the Vatican and Norway.
Listed countries
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Ascension, Australia, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Bermuda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Chile, Curaçao, Falkland Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Jamaica Japan, Canada, Northern Macedonia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Montserrat, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Russia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Helena, Singapore, Saint Eustatius and Saba, Sint-Maarten, Great Britain (excluding Northern Ireland, but including the Channel Islands Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man), Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, USA (including Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, American Samoa and US Virgin Islands), Vanuatu, Wales and Futuna.
In the case of Malaysia, there are more rules due to Nipah disease.
Dogs and Cats from Listed countries outside the EU zone
- The pet must be marked with a ISO-standard microchip.
- The pet must be vaccinated against rabies with an approved vaccine after pet has been id-marked. Pet must be at least 12 weeks of age at time of rabies vaccination. At least 21 days must pass before pet can travel.
- If you are bringing your own pets with you on the same flight or traveling within 5 days of each other you need a EU noncommercial veterinary certificate/E9.207. (This can be ordered on and must be issued by an official veterinarian. All the vaccination certificates need to be stapled together with the veterinary certificate and stamped on both sides by the official stamp. The certificate must be issued within 10 days prior to entry into the EU.
- If the pets are to be sold or change owners after their arrival to Sweden, are more than 5 pets or traveling outside of 5 days of their owner, then they must be examined by a veterinarian within 48 hours before start of travel, and they need a EU commercial veterinary certificate/CANIS-FELIS-FERRETS (to be ordered on The veterinary certificate must be issued by an official veterinarian.
Dogs and Cats from Unlisted countries
- The pet must be marked with a ISO-standard microchip.
- The pet must be vaccinated against rabies with an approved vaccine after pet has been id-marked. Pet must be at least 3 months of age at time of rabies vaccination (In Sweden we recommend vaccinating two times with one month in between to insure pet has antibodies against rabies)
- The pets must be tested for Rabies antibodies. The test must be analysed by an EU-approved laboratory and show at least 0,5 IU/ml. The sample must be taken no less than 30 days have passed since the last Rabies shot. Samples taken earlier are not accepted. If the basic vaccination consists of two shots, the 30 days waiting time count after the second shot has taken place.
- The pets must have veterinary certificates before coming to the EU. To have a certificate the pet must go through all above requirements: microchip marking, Rabies vaccinations and pass the Rabies antibody test. If the pet does not have a EU passport, a waiting time of 90 days must be respected after the date of the blood sample acquisition.
There are two different types of veterinary certificates:
- E9.163 if the pet travels with the owner or a representative as personal luggage or as freight. If the owner brings more than five pets, E9.206 must be used instead. The owner needs to bring the vaccination certificates and the laboratory test result all stapled together with the veterinary certificate and stamped on all sides.
- E9.206 if the pet travels in a group of more than five pets or in case the pet is not accompanied or meant to be sold or/and go to a different owner. This certificate must be issued by an official veterinarian within 24 hours of travel. The vaccination certificates and the test result are then stapled together with the veterinary certificate and stamped on all sides. The paperwork must accompany the pets.
If the pets were in Sweden and have gone through identity marking, rabies vaccinations and have passed the Rabies antibody test while being in Sweden or the EU, they can travel to a third country and come back again as soon as the titer test result is registered in the passport by a veterinarian. However the number of pets should be five or less. Same applies in the case when you travel from the EU to a non-listed third country and back with one to five pets that already have EU passports and do not qualify as trade animals. The owner only needs to show their passports with valid Rabies vaccination when they return. The veterinary certificate is not needed.
Special rules
- Norway: Regardless of the purpose they are brought, dogs, cats and ferrets can freely travel to Sweden. No passport, treatment or permit is needed.
- Malaysia: Importing cats and dogs into Sweden from Malaysia is prohibited. Sometimes, exceptions are considered under certain circumstances. This link will provide you more details.
Pets coming directly from listed/unlisted countries are allowed to land ONLY in Stockholm Arlanda or Gothenburg Landvetter Airports!
Please make sure you register your dog in Sweden after arrival. You must register the dog in the Swedish dog register no later than 4 weeks after arrival in Sweden. Hundregistret – registrera och ändra uppgifter om hundar och ägare –